管理責任險和專業責任險的承保過程通常繁瑣且耗時,Satori 透過自主研發的演算法及自動化流程,大幅縮短保單的處理時間,簡化整個流程。
透過 Satori 和 PinchLab 的緊密合作,我們成功讓保險流程變得更簡單。Satori 提供了大量數據和他們獨特的決策演算法,讓計算風險評估分數的資料在填寫時增加效率,也簡化了計算風險的流程。PinchLab 則運用我們的技術專長,把這些元素順利整合進系統中。這種合作關係是兩邊都缺一不可的,因為雙方都帶來了彼此無法單獨完成的專業。結合 Satori 深厚的行業知識和我們的實施技能,我們大幅提升了核保的效率和準確性,透過 Satori 對保險產業的專業知識,及 PinchLab 在打造產品的專業技能,成功打造了一個為保險產業帶來革新的產品。
We approached PinchLab with the project and within 3 months, we had an MVP at a fraction of the cost of the previous developer. We continue to use PinchLab for new iterations of our product. I think the PinchLab difference is their sense of urgency. As a founder, every day counts and it was incredibly refreshing to work with a developer that shares that sense of urgency without sacrificing work quality. We now have a fully working go-to-market product to get us off the ground!